Thursday, August 2, 2018


                                   BREAKING FREE FROM HABITUAL SIN

     So many people within and outside the churches are struggling with one sinful habit or the other.Many in their quest for freedom has sought for it where there are none and as a result gave up hope of ever getting over such destructive habits.With the mind set of ''no body is perfect'',many are continuing with their sinful habits even within the church.Or you must have  been introduced to an habit you now find difficult to be free from.
I've seen and heard about many though happily married,some times very religious but are very much into watching of PORNOGRAPHY clips.
You may be struggling with: 

What so ever the case,I want to assure you there's a way out,many are living testimonies of this victory,yours can not be different.  
The qustions are;

   How desperate,
   How passionate,and
   How sincere in heart are you?
If your answers are in the affirmative ''yes I am'' then you will definately be free.

  Step one: 


As a proper and a solid foundation is to a building,so is Sincere Repentance is to genuine freedom from habitual sin.
In the book of luke chapter 7:36-50,here I found a story of a woman with real adiction to sinful habits.She was well recognised and known as a sinner in that society.They called her a sinner. 
But she took some steps really worthy of emulation.
    She new that the savior was in town,asked about His location and actually located the savior for a personal encounter.This bring us to the question of being passionate and very desperate.
Proving to the savior how desperate,passionate and sincere she was,she stood at His feet weeping.
       Here she lost her sense of shame by crying in the public for her many sins.
  She must have produced enough water from her eyes to wash the feet of the savior.
Also,to proved her total  and complete surrenderness,hair, which is part of  the fashion and beauty of a woman, she submitted it as a rag for the cleaning of the feet of the savior.
Kissing the feet of the savior was the sign of her submission and readiness to go with the savior no matter how low to obtain her complete freedom.She was indeed a sincere seeker. 
    She broke her ointment of great value upon the savior as a sign of being ready to let go of any thing previously held in high esteem.
The savior said ''thy sins are forgiven''.LUKE 7:47-48.


for you to have a true freedom;
You must come down from your throne,
Seek for and find the savior,
You must be ready to let go of every attachment and indentity with the bondage no matter how precious the are to you.
Lie low at his feet,
Weep and confess your many sins untill you get the assurance of pardon from Him.
If this is done sincerely you will have the witness of the Spirit within you.(Rom.8:16)( matt.1:21;1john 3:8).
This is your first step.
I will discuss other steps in subsequent discussion.


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