Monday, June 24, 2019



  Three young men stood at the bank of a river discussing about their ability to out-swim one another in a swimming contest. One of them bragged that none of the other two friends can beat him, and that he can even swim against the tide. Because action speaks louder, he quickly jumps into the flowing lake to test his strength against the tide and to prove his friends wrong. 

  No sooner, the young man was exhausted, drowning and was about to be dragged away by the torrential lake. A rescuer boat suddenly appeared and beckoned on him to reach out his hand to the oar but the young man was hell bent on proving his prowess before his onlookers. He sank into the bottom of the river and couldn’t be found till date. They lost him forever not because there was no rescuer, but because he refuses to swallow his pride and accept the offer for help.

“For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.” John 3:17-18.KJV.

  Friend(s), many are drowning in satanic sin webs, occultism, secret society, secret covenant, get rich quick, witchcraft, prostitution, armed robbery, drunkenness, gambling, fornication, adultery, pornography, masturbation, homosexuality, etc. and are burdened with all kinds of incurable diseases. Quick wealth has also led many to sell their souls to the devil, and the list is endless.
Jesus paid it all on your behalf.

“But he was pierced for our transgressions,
He was crushed for our iniquities;
The punishment that brought us peace was upon him,
And by his wounds we are healed.” Isa 53:5.NIV.

The Savior is within reach. The Rescuer is very close to you.
Jesus Christ is that rescuer; He is calling you back to himself right now. If only you will respond to him in humility of heart as that drowning man in the ocean of sin willing to repent and turn away with the readiness of heart to follow, submit, obey and serve him for the rest of your life. He will forgive, pardon and grant you grace to live in newness of life, a life that glorify him, and to be with him eternally in glory. The Savior has paid the price for sin, sicknesses and diseases. At the moment, he is stretching forth his hand to rescue you from what so ever that drowns you. Don’t refuse him, for refusal is costly. Your acceptance of him brings gains of forgiveness, freedom from sin, all satanic claws now and eternal life with him. He is ever willing to help if only you are willing and very sincere within your heart, he will heal you and give you a brand new start and a new life in him. He loves you.

“For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Roman 10:13.KJV.
Bow your head and pray the following prayer from the depth of your heart:

O God;
I recognize my helpless state as a sinner,
I humble my heart before you and I’m sincerely sorry for all my sins,
I confess them to you; kindly forgive me of all my sin and disobedience.
I believe on the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ for my sins.
Jesus; wash and cleans me from all sin with your blood.
Kindly restore unto me your true image and likeness lost as a result of sin and disobedience.
 Today I make a commitment that I will always obey and serve you for the rest of my life.
 Lord Jesus Christ come into my heart now and assumes the position of my Lord and master.
I ask all in Jesus name, Amen.

 “But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name.” John 1:12.KJV.
If you’ve prayed that prayer sincerely, you’ve just laid a foundation for a long lasting relationship with Jesus.

We shall be pleased to be of more help to you and to send you an ebook for your spiritual growth plan. 
Feel free to contact us.

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THE RESCUER HE'S AN EXPERT IN RESCUING MISSIONS   Three young men stood at the bank of a river discussing about their abilit...